Annual Northern District Meeting

Annual Northern District Meeting

The annual Northern District Meeting took place September 28, 2019, at the gymnasium located on the Rice Lake church grounds. This yearly gathering brings together Adventists from the Rice Lake, Superior, La Crosse and Chippewa Valley districts of the Wisconsin Conference. Pastor Stephen Bohn, president of Secrets Unsealed, was the guest speaker for the weekend. Pastor Bohr was born in Wisconsin and attended Wisconsin Academy so is no stranger to this state. Through his three sermons, Pastor Bohr called his audience to trust God’s timing, God’s love and God’s promises. During Sabbath School he encouraged the congregation that when trials or difficulties come, not to complain, but remember that God is working to develop our faith so we can have an intimate, personal and unbreakable relationship with Him. During the worship hour, Pastor Bohr talked of the vastness of the universe and how amazing it is that the God of all creation would care enough for our tiny little planet to come and rescue us from the effects of sin. In his closing sermon, he reminded the people to not rely on our emotions or senses, but place our trust in the promises in God’s word. A plentiful potluck was enjoyed by all, and with the unseasonably warm weather the children even enjoyed playing outside after potluck.

Laurella Case, Administration Assistant for Communication