We are pleased to announce that Robert Shetler has accepted the position of Assistant Treasurer…
On Sunday, March 26, 2023, the Milwaukee West Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church, held the “Live…
Over the last couple months, many faithful volunteers have been working tirelessly at Camp Wakonda…
El Día de la Hermandad Hispana, bajo el lema “¡CRISTO VIENE, PREPÁRATE!” se llevará a…
Campers are you ready? Summer Camp is just around the corner and you are invited
This past week was a real whirlwind. From Green Bay (for Ally’s kidney surgery) to Berrien…
Check out this month’s deals from Three Angels!
Obesity is a global issue. One of the leading causes of obesity in the recent decades…
The highlights for March are: During the Executive Committee meeting, Brian Stephan announced
Over the dates of March 10-12, women from across Wisconsin gathered for an awesome experience
Global Youth Day (Jahwi) & OUTREACH-El Día Mundial de la Juventud, se celebró en Wisconsin, el…
Students at Green Bay Adventist Junior Academy enjoy learning from a variety of teachers
La Iglesia Adventista Hispana del West de Milwaukee está realizando la Feria de Salud
During the recent Open House at Green Bay Adventist Jr. Academy, K-2nd grade
On March 7, 2023, Petersen Adventist School’s upper-grade students attended the Madison Symphony Orchestra’s
La Federación de Jóvenes(JAHWI) te invita a celebrar el día “Mundial Del Jóven Adventista”(Global Youth…
Students at Petersen Adventist School are learning to spread cheer with handmade chocolates!
The weekly Health Ministry Leaders training sessions will continue through March 28!
Prayer Ministries Mission Statement and information about the weekly prayer line available on Thursday evenings
Our Wakonda Work Day last Sunday, March 5, had the biggest turnout yet, thanks to…
Enjoy this video update on the projects happening at Camp Wakonda!
Looking to fulfill the gospel commission in ever more effective ways, twelve individuals from Wisconsin…
Camp Meeting 2023 will be happening June 16-24 at beautiful Camp Wakonda!
The LightHouse has RV sites available during Alumni Weekend
The highlights for February are: Brian Stephan and I started interviewing potential candidates
We are happy to welcome Stephanie Peterson as the new Lay Pastor for the Durand
Throughout history and even today, fasting – the abstinence from food and/or water
Enjoy these resources from our Family Life Ministries Coordinator
You are invited to a live performance of A.D. – A Musical for Easter and…
We are happy to share that Lesa Budd has accepted the call to serve as…
Check out the March Sales from the Indiana ABC.
On Sabbath, March 5, the Conference level Pathfinder Bible Experience took place at Wisconsin Academy
Stack and Save on cases of Loma Linda, Worthington and Morning Star products.
Click for updated Day Rate information for the March 10-12 Women’s Empowerment Weekend.
F. Brian Stephan, executive secretary and treasurer of the Wisconsin Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, announced…
Continuamos con la Capacitación para Líderes del Ministerio de Salud. Nuestra Invitada especial: María José…
El Ministerio Hispano de la Conferencia de Wisconsin está capacitando a los lideres del Ministerio…
Conéctate, es un evento organizado por la Unión del Lago, que ofrece a los jóvenes…
The parent association from Wisconsin Academy is collecting Loma Linda canned food labels for Wisconsin…
The Junior Class of Wisconsin Academy is inviting you to attend their class benefit happening…
After a couple years of not having our annual Men of Faith Retreat, we are…
On the weekend of February 10-12, our conference Pathfinder clubs gathered at Camp Wakonda for…
Honor classes are 1953, 1963, 1973, 1983, 1998, 1993, 2003, 2013
Check out the February sales from Three Angels
During the Holiday season in 2022, the Fond du Lac Seventh-Day Adventist Church did something…
A couple years ago, a group of student Literature Evangelist were canvasing the Coulee Region…
After serving in the Wisconsin Conference for the last 11 years, John Ramsey has accepted…
Originally published on the Lake Union Herald website. Over 6,000 miles away, amid a beautiful…
La Sociedad de Jóvenes Adventistas Metropolitana se llevará a cabo el Sábado 18 de febrero,…
Enjoy these articles on balancing family life, finding empathy and the internet’s impact on marital…