President and Executive Secretary/Treasurer

President and Executive Secretary/Treasurer

President and Executive Seceratary/Treasurer

What the President does

The president facilitates visioning and planning to help accomplish the church’s mission. He also provides direction and leadership to the ministry activities of the Wisconsin Conference. ​Areas of focus include: planning, finance, board management, personnel, organization and institutional representation, fundraising and program delivery.


The mission of the Wisconsin Conference is to grow passionate disciples of Jesus prepared for Christ’s soon coming

President’s Perspective

President is chairman of:

Conference Executive Committee

This committee meets six times per year to transact the business of the Wisconsin Conference between constituency sessions. Members are elected in constituency session every four year from representative regions.

President is chairman of:

Wisconsin Board of Education

A strategic planning and visioning committee for the educational programs of the conference. The members are elected by the Executive Committee and include teacher, pastor, lay, and WA alumni. They meet six or seven times per year.

President is chairman of:

Wisconsin Conference Constituency

This meeting of approximately 300 people, meet once every four years to set direction for the next term, review constitution and by-laws, consider financial statements, set direction for the next term, elect officers and directors for the conference.

President is delegate of:

General Conference Constituency

To help keep our church united in doctrine and practice, delegates gather every five years to listen to reports from around the world, review financial and practice policies, and act on initiatives and questions that impact our church world-wide.

Adventist-Laymen’s Services & Industries

Who We Are

Naftanaila, Titus

President, ASI Representative

Phone: (920) 484-6555 Ext. 301
Email: Titus Naftanaila

Executive Secretary/Treasurer

Phone: (920) 484-6555 Ext. 301
Email: Amir Gulzar

Wisconsin Conference Presidents
from 1863 – Present

As Executive Secretary…

He assists the president in leading the membership and keeping the mission of the church before the people. He serves on numerous boards and committees, and directs the keeping of minutes, policies, and resolutions. The executive secretary also works closely with the president in preparation for special meetings, convocations, and constituency sessions. He ensures that the conference and its employees abide by all constitutions and bylaws.

As Treasurer…

He keeps records of conference finances, formulates the yearly budget, and directs general accounting, auditing, and risk management services. He also provides training and support for local church and school treasurers. The treasurer also serves on numerous boards and committees of the conference.

Online Giving

Allow you to give your tithes and offerings automatically on a schedule that you set up.

Offering Appeals

Weekly offering appeal readings for the year in English and Spanish.

Church Manual

Updated guidelines for church operations.

Offering/Sunset Calendar

Track when Sabbath begins, and how weekly offerings are used.



Planned Giving

Employee Forms and Reports

If you need more than what you find here, please contact the conference office.