Camp Meeting Information

Camp Meeting Information

Camp Meeting Updates

Camp Meeting 2025: Let it Rain!
June 20-28

Wisconsin Conference camp meeting is a nine-day religious convention of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Religious training is provided for people of all ages, from infants to senior citizens. Attendees camp in cabins, motor homes, trailers, tents, or commute from their homes. When camp meeting is in session, attendance swells to nearly 5,000, making it the largest “town” in the county.

Camp meeting is live streamed on our YouTube Channel each year. For those on the grounds of Camp Wakonda the meetings are also broadcast on your radio at 87.9 FM.

Camp meeting is held on the grounds of Camp Wakonda near Westfield, Wisconsin, and is open to the general public. Reservation is only required for on-site accommodations.

Hispanic camp meeting is usually scheduled to be held in August. More information will be available soon.

Coming Soon: 2025 Guidebook
Let It Rain!

For programming from Pioneer Pavilion, click or scan the QR code below to find the Wisconsin Camp Meeting YouTube Channel

Weekend/Evening Speakers:

Opening Weekend:

Speaker Bio Coming Soon!

Sunday Evening:

Speaker Bio Coming Soon!

Mon-Thurs Evenings:

Speaker Bio Coming Soon!

Closing Weekend:

Speaker Bio Coming Soon!

Morning Prayer Time and Seminars:

Morning Prayer Time:

Speaker Bio Coming Soon!

9:30 am:

Speaker Bio Coming Soon!

11:00 am:

Speaker Bio Coming Soon!

2:30 pm:

Speaker Bio Coming Soon!

4:00 pm:

Speaker Bio Coming Soon!

Department Leaders:

Young Adult:

Department Guest Speakers:

Young Adult:

Camp Meeting Staff:

Camp Meeting Superintendent:
Camp Meeting Food Service Director:

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