Get your band, group, duo, choir, instrumentalist, or solo act ready and let’s join together for our first ever
The group appreciated being able to visualize and bring alive history that is so familiar from reading The Great Controversy
Presentation begins at 3:00 pm on Sabbath November 11.
Services will be held on Sabbath November 18, 2023 at 5:00pm CT. The service will be live streamed
Join other volunteers in helping with tree work October 22 & 29 and November 5.
Este año, el Retiro de Jóvenes Adventistas Hispanos de Wisconsin, se titula, The Next Level, el Siguiente Nivel.
Experience deep community, make friends, build habits, and explore God’s Word with others
Northern churches, Wisconsin Academy Students and Pathfinders all enjoyed the day
Pastor Tom has always prioritized ministry to young people, whether as an intern