Si usted ha sido electo como director o directora de algún departamento de su iglesia, usted esta invitado a participar…
Discover health benefits of walnuts and the recipe for Walnut Maple Cookies!
Como cada año, las damas hispanas de nuestra Conferencia de Wisconsin, esperan el banquete evangelístico con mucho entusiasmo
The Wisconsin Conference Executive Committee held their most recent meeting on Wednesday November 8, 2023
As the guests walked towards the front to receive their crowns, some shed tears of joy and some were beaming…
Everyone said that they had fun and they cannot wait for next year!
The group is working on creating songs based on the Three Angels Messages
We were blessed by the beautiful singing and harmonies of the Andrews University Malagasy Choir, led by Narda Herimalala
Enjoy these pictures from the recent collegiate “Revive” retreat at Wakonda!