


What We Do..

The Ministerial Department works to support pastors in ministry in Wisconsin, enhancing the pastor’s ability to serve the local congregation and community. As the pastor’s pastor, the Ministerial Director gives encouragement through prayer and counsel. He is also available to train, consult, assist, and recommend good resources.

Professional Development

Pastor training events occur four times a year, twice with professional in-service meetings, and twice for continuing education, communication, and fellowship. The department also serves lay pastors by arranging pastoral mentorship, resources, and training.

Journal of Adventist
Theological Society

An international journal promoting sound Biblical scholarship.


Principles and regulations that guide the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church in the fulfillment of its mission.


A monthly journal to deepen spiritual life, develop intellectual strength, and increase pastoral and evangelistic effectiveness

NAD Ministerial

Find information here supporting and equipping ministerial leaders and their families.

Latest News & Articles

Who We Are

Case, Adam

Ministerial Director, Evangelism & Church Planting, Personal Ministries

Haas, Kim

Administrative Assistant for President, Ministerial, Treasury