Special Wakonda Work Bee to Prepare Primary Division for Camp Meeting

Special Wakonda Work Bee to Prepare Primary Division for Camp Meeting

Your help is needed to prepare the Primary Division for Camp Meeting!

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All Ages Making an Impact at Camp Wakonda!

All ages across our state are coming together to support Building Our Future at Camp Wakonda

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Assistant Cook Needed for Camp Wakonda

Camp Wakonda is looking for an Assistant Cook during this summer program

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Nurses Needed for Summer Camp at Wakonda

Are you a nurse? Do you have a heart for kids? We need you at summer camp!

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Wakonda Work Bee: May 14-18

The Maranatha group was a great blessing, but there is still much to do to prepare our beautiful camp

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Maranatha Projects Update

Enjoy some more pictures of the projects happening at Camp Wakonda!

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Maranatha Volunteers Arrive at Camp Wakonda

Enjoy this pictorial review of projects at Camp Wakonda.

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Wakonda Winter Work Days Prepare Camp Wakonda for Maranatha’s Arrival

Over the last couple months, many faithful volunteers have been working tirelessly at Camp Wakonda during

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