President’s Perspective: A Lonely Winepress

President’s Perspective: A Lonely Winepress

A few weeks ago Juanita and I stood in the town of Nazareth in front of this winepress from the time of Jesus. The

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President’s Perspective: The Most Valuable Gift

I struggle each year with buying Christmas gifts for family and friends. What would they like? What would be appropriate? Will they just toss it aside

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Wishing Our Wisconsin Family a Blessed Thanksgiving Day!

Your friends at the Wisconsin Conference office wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving. We have so many things to be

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President’s Perspective: A Life-Changing Endeavor

A study of Scriptures should be life-changing endeavor. While a study of Scripture to gain knowledge alone has its benefit, the

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President’s Perspective: Give Thanks

In a few weeks many across America will sit down at a table overloaded with food for Thanksgiving dinner. At times like

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President’s Perspective: Only Two Rules

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch writes; ”I tell my law clerks I have two rules -- only two rules -- if you follow them, you're going to

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President’s Perspective: Ripe for Harvest

As I write I am sitting at my office desk looking out the window at the fields of tasseling corn. Day by day the corn is getting essential nutrients

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President’s Perspective: Sacrificing for the Best

I grew up in a home full of kids. My mother took care of foster children. In addition to the four of us legal siblings, my mother took up

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President’s Perspective: Proportion of Our Success

Yesterday I arrived at the airport a couple of hours early for my flight back home. When I got to my gate it was empty except for

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President’s Perspective: Camp Meeting Take-Aways

This past Sabbath evening wrapped up our 2019 Wisconsin camp meeting. As I look back over these nine special days where our

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