Camp Meeting: Changes to Note

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As you have likely heard, there are many improvement projects happening at Camp Wakonda, our conference summer camp and camp meeting grounds. Maranatha volunteers will be on site from April 17 thru May 7 and will be working with local volunteers on several projects including the building of our youth division pavilions.

As a result of all these projects, a few changes will be notable for those attending camp meeting in June of this year. We would like to let you know about these changes as you prepare for camp meeting 2023.

1.Our Primary, Junior, Teen and Youth Division meetings will now be held in permanent structures. The location for each division will remain the same as in previous years.
2. The Bath Houses have undergone major updates.
3. Laundry facilities will now be exclusively in the basement of Cedar Lodge.
4. The main and upper floors of Cedar Lodge have been remodeled for use as a seminar/meeting room for groups throughout the year as well as during camp meeting. This space no longer houses the Nature Center.
5. The Nature Center has been moved to White Pine Lodge, not far from Cedar Lodge.

One final note, although not related to the projects, we now have a Camp Safety Office located in the room connected to the Book Store. Several items will be coordinated through this office and we would like to make you aware of them.

1.Golf Cart registration will now be coordinated through Camp Safety. Online Registration is not available at this time. Upon arrival at camp, please register your golf cart at the Camp Safety office. See Camp Meeting Policies for further information.
2. Service Animal registration will also be done through Camp Safety. Online Registration is not available at this time. Upon arrival at camp, please register your service animal at the Camp Safety office. See Camp Meeting Policies for further information.
3. For caregivers of adults with special needs, you may request an ID wrist band for the individual in your care. The wrist band will help identify the individual and enable Camp Safety to contact you in the event that help is needed.

God has provided this great opportunity to ensure our camp facility is in the best condition to continue the mission of reaching people for Jesus for generations to come.  We are so grateful for all the support through prayer, donations and volunteering of our Wisconsin Conference members and friends alike. Thank You!

Donations are still needed to see these projects to completion. If you would like to donate, please mark your Wisconsin tithe envelope “Building Our Future” or visit and click the “Donate” button and type in “Wisconsin Conference SDA Church.”

For news and updates, visit our Wakonda: Building Our Future page HERE.


Laurella Case, Communication Coordinator
