Camp Lamp: Tuesday - Lessons Learned and Rocks Climbed

DJ Ruden, WA Class of 2025

Camp Meeting June 18, 2024

That night probably brought the biggest moment of adrenalin I’d had in a long time. It all started when I decided to join the new Rock-Climbing Club at Wisconsin Academy, because it looked fun. Not considering my condition, and probably not in my right mind, I went and for $10, climbed rocks. 

For those who know me I have one rule; Large people stay on the ground. Now, I’m not that large anymore, but the fear of falling from heights and the fear of being off the ground was still in effect. Before my first climb I started to shake and tremble, but after the support of Dean Scott (Assistant Men’s Dean) and a few friends I was able to overcome this fear. 

Through this experience I learned a few life lessons…


Be willing to try new things. If you get too comfortable with how things are now, you may never want or feel the need to grow and change. God calls us to a life of experiences and soul seeking missions not just ease and luxury.


Don’t fall into the glittering generalities of this world. Stay focused on God at all times. Though it’s hard to do, and you may find yourself stripped, weak, and vulnerable, keep trusting in God. His plan is always best.


Find yourself some good friends to rely upon. In that moment of being six feet in the air I was ready to say, “Thanks for a great start to 2024 but this is the end!” Instead, I had great friends to calm me down and talk me through it and I eventually had a blast.


Trust the creator. In this rock-climbing gym if you didn’t have a partner, you had to trust in this round ball to lower you carefully back to the ground. I hated that part. I didn’t know how that ball was built or if it could even catch me. When I finally trusted the ball, it lowered me carefully and safely to the ground. Trust in God. You might have to give up some things but TRUST HIM!!!! God is the only one that can lower you safely in EVERY situation.



Things may get uncomfortable. While rock climbing I had to wear this harness that was quite uncomfortable. When I finally chose to let go of the wall and have the machine bring me down, it felt uncomfortable, even painful.

In order to get to where you need to be (for me it was solid ground) you might have to endure pain. You might have to push yourself to do something uncomfortable, but trust me it is worth it. God created us knowing the endless possibilities that could happen – both good and bad. But knowing this He still said that it was very good.

You CAN do all things through Christ!

DJ Ruden, WA Class of 2025

Link for today’s Camp Lamp: