Youth Department Seeks Wisconsin Youth to Help with Communications

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The following was posted on the Wakonda Facebook page on January 1, 2023.

In 2023, Wakonda (the WI Conf. Youth Evangelism Department) is pushing forward into the realm of content and communications. We’re going to be intentional about pushing more stories about what youth and young adults are up to in Wisconsin. The idea is to write more, post more, create more, and report more. But we need your help to make sure this initiative is successful.

If you are a young person in Wisconsin who loves to write, take photos, or create for the purposes of evangelism (or you know someone who is): let us know! We’d love to feature you on our social media and website. If you are a young person who would like to contribute to blog posts and news articles: get in touch with us! If you make videos from a young adult Adventist perspective: we want to partner with you. And if you are a photographer (even a phone photographer) who is in proximity to youth events, we’d love to use your photos to show others what local youth are up to. The hope is that, as we create more content, we can start curating the best stories, photos, and videos into a newsletter for people around the state to connect with local youth ministry.

Ultimately, the goal is this: we don’t want anyone in Wisconsin to be unaware of the awesome ministry that is going on for and by young people here. The more we communicate these things, the better the awareness is, and the more successful we will be in working together to evangelize the youth in our state for Jesus. If you’re interested in helping with this initiative, or you know someone who is, please leave a comment on this post (see Facebook link above), DM (Direct Message) us for more info, or email Pastor Zack at

We can’t wait to see how God uses this effort to boost our ability to finish the Gospel work together in Wisconsin.
