Women’s Virtual Empowerment Conference: All Breakaway Sessions Available

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Many of you have said it has been hard to choose which of the breakaways to attend, so the committee members met on Sunday, March 28, and decided that all of the breakaways will be done in a consecutive order. So you do not have to miss out on any aspect of the offering during the Empowerment Weekend!

Many ladies who do not have the capability of attending this conference using Zoom, have been given the go ahead to register as individuals and will come together at their local churches and will attend the Empowerment Weekend collectively as a group. This way, everyone can attend and no decisions have to be made regarding which breakaway to attend.

Again, the registration date has been extended, so there is still time to register before the April 6th deadline. After this date the cost of registration increases by $10. If you do not register before the deadline, you run the risk of attending the Empowerment Weekend without your package from the committee to make your full participation a successful and rewarding experience.

Below is the schedule for the weekend. You will be receiving your thank you gifts along with the handouts and the finalized schedule for the weekend before the retreat begins on Friday, April 16.

Overcoming Obstacles and Triumphing In Christ

Friday        April 16, 2021

7:15-7:40 pm    Welcome and Announcements/Icebreakers/Zoom etiquette

7:40-7:45 pm     Computer and Desk Stretches

7:45-8:00 pm    Worship in Songs and Theme song

8:00-8:45 pm    Presentation #1

Dr.Sandra Doran – Overcoming Obstacle #1 Framed by Your Past



Sabbath     April 17, 2021

9:00-9:15 am     Prayer time

9:15-9:25 am     Sabbath School preliminaries

9:25-9:30 am     Computer and desk stretches

9:30-9:44 am    Worship in Songs and Theme song

9:45-10:45 am    Presentation #2

Dr. Sandra Doran – Overcoming Obstacle #2 – Hit By Tragedy


Music interlude – Take this opportunity to get up and walk, take a bathroom break. We will return with computer/desk stretches before we resume in 10 minutes

10:55-11:00 am    Computer and Desk Stretches

11:00-11:14 am    Worship in Songs and Theme song

11:15-12:00 pm    Presentation # 3

Dr. Sandra Doran – Overcoming Obstacle #3 – Stuck In the Mud

Prayer and Song for your meal

12:00-12:55 pm    Lunch On  Your Own    

Music interlude – Take this opportunity to get up and walk, take a bathroom break. We will return with computer/desk stretches before we resume at 12:55pm

12:55 pm    Computer and Desk Stretches


Breakaways in succession

1:00-1:45 pm    Healthy Cooking with Air Fryer and Insta Pot – Celia Patchett

1:55-2:40 pm    Working with All Types of Children (Special Needs; Different Learning Styles) – Dr.  Sandra Doran     

2:50-3:35 pm    Making Your Journal – Dr. Nadine Thomas

  • You  will need to provide your own scissors and your craft glue

3:45-4:30 pm    Three Angels for Kids, curriculum unveiled in the NAD on Feb. 1 of this year – Dr. Sandra Doran

4:40-5:25 pm    Bible Marking – Deborah Egger

Prayer and Song for your meal

5:30-6:00 pm    Supper On  Your Own    

Music interlude – Take this opportunity to get up and walk, take a bathroom break. We will return with computer/desk stretches before we resume at 6:00 pm

6:00-6:05 pm   Computer and Desk Stretches

6:05-6:10 pm    Worship in song and Theme song

6:10-6:15 pm     Computer/Desk Stretches

6:15-7:00 pm    Presentation # 4

Dr. Sandra Doran – Interactive Exercise: Confronting Your Challenge


8:05-9:00 pm    Reflection Interactive Chat


Sunday        April  18, 2021

8:30-9:15 am    Prayer Time

9:20-9:30 am    Sunday morning preliminaries

9:30-9:45 am    Worship in Songs and Theme Song

10:00-10:45 am    Presentation #5

Dr. Sandra Doran – Overcoming Obstacle #4 – Trapped By Time

11:30-12:00 noon   Thank you and Farewell

Wrap Up and Song – Side by Side We Stand

“And Mizpah; for he said, The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.” Genesis 31:49 KJV

We look forward to connecting with you on April 16th-18th, and may God continue to bless and protect and provide for both you and your families as we lift each other up in prayer.


“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:4-8 KJV


Patricia Antoine-Norton

Wisconsin Women’s Ministry Coordinator
