Women’s Ministries Visit Perfect Timing Gift Shop

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This was the story on the front page of the newspaper of West Bend, Wisconsin, for the gift store, Perfect Timing, owned by Maria Lopez, member of the Milwaukee Central Seventh-day Adventist Church. During our recent One-Day Women’s Retreat, four ladies carpooled with masks and social distancing, to see the store. When we arrived the view of the landscape was breathtaking, the layout of the store was spacious, and the picture displays of nature with scriptures just caused us to render praises and thanksgiving to God, for orchestrating and being involved in all of the steps that brought the store Perfect Timing, to fruition. Here you can find inspirational gifts, books, cards, and photography.

Quoting from the ladies in attendance, they used these words to express their store visit experience: beautiful! inspirational! awesome! fantastic! uplifting! and even breathtaking!

Beholding the pictures of nature helped to reinforce in our minds the fact that we serve an awesome God, a loving Savior, the blessed Holy Spirit, and our guardian angels. The creation word was spoken by God and things happened! Even now, we can still see the beauty in creation even though this world is marred by sin.

We live in a world where it is the perfect time to share the good news about what Jesus means to us, the change that has occurred in our lives because we have faith, hope and we trust and believe in the promises in God’s Word. May we have the eyesight and the discernment to recognize the opportunities that are ahead where we can witness to others and tell them the good news.

Praise God in such a time as this.

Patricia Antoine-Norton, Women’s Ministries Coordinator
