Women’s Empowerment Weekend: March 10-12, 2023

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The Women’s Ministry team is looking forward to the upcoming new year of 2023. Please make plans to attend our retreats and bring a friend or 2 or more!

We are looking forward to the two scheduled retreats:

1. Empowerment Weekend at Camp Wakonda in Westfield, Wisconsin on March 10-12 ,20023 with guest speaker Tamara Conway.

“Tamara Conway is a lover of writing, a wife of over 21 years, a mother to 4 amazing children, a speaker, and content creator with Stamena4life, LLC, serving as a Life Coach for over 15 years, and Grief Recovery specialist. She has worked alongside her husband, Steven, in pastoral ministry for over 20 years, and has had the privilege of sharing her testimony and tests with women, men, couples, boys and girls all over the world.

With God’s help, tools, and amazing support, she was able to break generational cycles of dysfunction, negative thought patterns & beliefs, and recognize that she didn’t have to just live life coping. She could in fact HEAL and rebuild what was once broken. Her mission is to help people utilize tools that will educate and inspire them to do some of the most important, life altering work, in the areas of healing from loss, change, rejection, abuse, trauma and so much more.”

Invitation from Tamara:
“In today’s world, we are witnessing a desperate need for us to address and break generational cycles, as well as discuss those things what were once tabu, so that we can finally move from a place simply coping, to real healing. However, it won’t happen without prayer, intentional effort and a bold fight to be whole. Come and join me in March 2023, as we dive into God’s word, and take a look at some practical ways we can go from simply living this life, coping until Jesus comes, to a place of healing, while awaiting the great HEALER! – “Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health (mentally, emotionally, physical and spiritually.” – 3 John 2

2. Fall Retreat
 at Clarion Hotel & Suites & Wintergreen Conference Center at Lake Delton, in Wisconsin Dells, October 20-22 ,2023 with featured speaker Tamara Cranston. More details will be provided in the upcoming weeks.

May God continue to bless you and sustain you and protect you and guide you and your families. May you abundantly bless all those whom you come in contact with, and may others see the love of Jesus in what we say and what we do and how we respond and act to real life situations, and may God’s name be honored and glorified. Jesus is coming soon!!

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” Revelation 22:12-13 KJV

Patricia Antoine-Norton, Women’s Ministries Coordinator


