Wisconsin Conference Staff Look Forward to What God Will Do in 2023

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On Tuesday morning, January 3, the Wisconsin Conference office administrators and staff met together to look back at 2022 and also forward to 2023. The meeting began with a devotional thought by President Titus Naftanaila based on Proverbs 3:5-6 which says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” NKJV

As the group reflected on 2022, it was evident that God has greatly blessed the Wisconsin Conference. Over the past year more than two hundred individuals made the decision to follow God and joined the church through baptism or profession of faith. Members were faithful during financially challenging times with offerings, giving of tithe, and other donations which enabled the conference to continue vital ministries. Wisconsin schools reached a new record for student enrollment with four hundred registered students for 2022-2023 school year. The Youth Department and Hispanic Ministries had many amazing experiences watching God work in the lives of those around them.

Looking toward 2023, the conference saw that God provided an amazing opportunity to make some much needed improvements at Camp Wakonda. A large donation was given to get the project started and as the Wisconsin members come together, the work will progress to completion. Much preparation work has already been done and more plans are in place to finish the projects by the time of the annual camp meeting in June. One particular blessing is that Maranatha Volunteers will be coming with a group of volunteers to assist with these projects.

As plans for the new year were shared by each department at the conference, all voiced their desire to work together in unity, supporting one another as together they look forward to what God will do in 2023.


Laurella Case, Communication Coordinator
