Wisconsin Conference Constituency

Wisconsin Conference Constituency

President > Conference Constituency


Wisconsin Conference of Seventh-day Adventists holds its quadrennial constituency session at the Wisconsin Academy Seventh-day Adventist Church. The constituency session is a meeting of delegates from every church in our conference. These delegates gather to:

Evaluate and vote the priorities, goals, and major initiatives of the conference
Vote the organizing and disbanding of churches
Elect conference officers and departmental directors

Delegates may speak to the items presented, and their input helps shape the direction of the conference for the next four years.


Each Wisconsin Seventh-day Adventist church elects one or more delegates (based on local membership) from among their own members to attend. Each individual is chosen to speak for and vote on behalf of not only their local church, but for all Wisconsin members. These delegates are known at the session as regular delegates.

All conference credentialed and licensed employees, such as pastors, teachers, Wisconsin Conference executive committee members, and a limited number of Lake Union Conference, North American Division, and General Conference executive committee members are also delegates. These are known as delegates-at-large, due to their position and responsibilities.