Wisconsin Academy Industrial Arts Students Laying Cement Block

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Last week I stopped by the Industrial Arts class to see what they were up to. I found them with their instructor, Mr. Doug Show, near the maintenance building. With only two students in the class, it is quite informal.

Mr. Show was teaching them to lay concrete block. A section of the old coal shed sunk into the hillside needed a new roof. In preparation for the roof, the students were laying a course of block around the hole. While one student mixed a load of mud, the other set out the cement block. Then, under their teacher’s careful eye, they took turns laying the course. Although the mud was a bit thin, they made it work and were nearly finished by the time the end of the period rolled around.

Industrial Arts class gives students a wide variety of practical experiences. In previous years, students have constructed a storage shed for athletic equipment near the ball field, and a larger shed for gardening equipment near the greenhouses.

Greg Edge, Wisconsin Academy Bible Teacher

