Wisconsin Academy Freshmen Work on “Moo Moo Land” Project

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If you had stepped into Strategies for Success class last week, you would have found the freshmen designing flags, writing laws, composing a national anthem, constructing models of government buildings, sculpting miniature cows and chickens, and a variety of other activities. Together, they’re creating a new country – a bovine nation they have named “Moo Moo Land.” In the early weeks of the quarter, Mrs. Kelly Taitano introduced the concept of learning styles, and helped students identify the ways they learn best. During the “Moo Moo Land” project, students are working together in small groups using their preferred learning styles.

Every freshman begins each day with this Strategies for Success class designed to help ease the transition to high school. The class also teaches such skills as keeping an assignment planner and calendar, keeping a backpack organized, taking notes, being prepared for class, and asking good questions. “My goal is to give them strategies to become independent learners who take ownership of their educational journeys,” Mrs. Taitano said. This is the second year this class has been available.

Greg Edge, Marketing, Bible III & IV Teacher

