Editor’s Note: Where Does the Bible Say That?

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Recently I had the frustrating experience of being unable to locate the Bible texts I wanted while sharing with someone regarding the inspiration and trust-worthiness of scripture, and some details regarding the second coming of Jesus. Not wanting to be in that situation again, I’ve started memorizing various texts to answer questions on Bible topics, and their reference so I can find them even if I don’t have my own Bible with me. It’s slow going, but I’m really excited about the results and what God might be able to do through me with a better handle on scripture. I want to be able to “give a reason for the hope that is in (me),” as 1 Peter 3:15 says.

This should be doable! After all, I’ve learned other details I think are important like my address, phone number, social security number, computer password, work number, etc. I can share them at a moment’s notice!

I’ve chosen to use the text progression outlined in My Place With Jesus children’s Bible studies which are prepared by It Is Written. I find I know quite a few of the texts already. What I need to spend time on is the reference, so I can find the texts in my Bible. How is that going to happen? As the old saying goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, of course.” Seems regularity, repetition, and perseverance are the keys. It’s nothing new, but here’s my action plan.

1. Pray for Holy Spirit’s help

2. List my texts by topic

3. Keep list visible (shower, purse, kitchen)

4. Start with one text and review several times/day

5. When familiar with one text, add another

6. Say them out loud (like on morning walks)

7. Be patient (settle in for the long-haul)

Here we go. I’m excited!

Juanita Edge, Communication Director
