Many Attend Memorial Service for Elder Mike Edge

Many Attend Memorial Service for Elder Mike Edge

On July 29, 2023, members from across the state of Wisconsin and beyond gathered for a special memorial service for Elder Mike Edge, former Wisconsin Conference president. Although an earlier service was held in Georgia, at the Edge’s home church, this service was specifically for those in Wisconsin who had not been able to attend the previous service.

Among those who gathered to remember Elder Edge and support the family, were former summer camp staff and co-workers that had served along side the Edges in their ministry, many of whom participated in the beautiful service. Some shared special songs: Philip Byrd, Jonathan Fetrick and a trio including Sandy Berg, Laurella Case and Juanita Edge accompanied by Jean Schwark. Some spoke words of remembrance: Loren and Sue Nelson read the life sketch and Jonathan Fetrick shared the message of hope we have that although this wasn’t our plan, God has good things in store for our future. During the sharing time, led by Adam Case, many people shared how Elder Edge had touched their lives. A common theme arose, Elder Edge always pointed them to Jesus and developing their relationship with Him.

A slide show, put together by Greg Edge, was shared chronicling his life and ministry. Titus Naftanaila, Wisconsin Conference president, offered the benediction which was followed by a congregational singing of the hymn, We Have This Hope.

Following the service, the Wisconsin Academy Church provided a lovely meal where attendees could continue to talk and share their memories of Elder Edge with one another and his family.

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the Edge family during this time. May we all follow the example of Elder Mike Edge and follow Jesus all the way.


Laurella Case, Communication Coordinator