Between January 1 and July 10 of 2019 Walk-for-Life participants trekked 84,192.18 miles! That’s an amazing 3.4 times around the world. Fifteen churches participated this year. Two churches will be awarded $100 and $50 respectively for their efforts and achievements of walking the most miles in this year’s program. They are:
1. Waukesha Church with 24,811.00 miles
2. Racine Church with 23,082.25 miles
Walk-for-Life is a program of the Wisconsin Conference Health Ministries Department to encourage personal exercise and fitness. We corporately walk around the world in six months by pooling our exercise miles. To learn more and get involved check out the Health Ministries web page and/or contact Health Ministries Coordinator Karen Flanagan.
Juanita Edge, Communication Director