Dr. Randy Griffin, DDS and Lake Union Director of Adventist Community Health Initiative, presented a televideo presentation on July 3, 2019, to all Marshfield Clinic Health System dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants on the mission and volunteer opportunities of the free dental clinic program of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Eight Marshfield Clinic sites participated and before the presentation was over, five dentists signed up to assist with the upcoming October 26, 2019, Free Dental Clinic to be held in the Marshfield community. One of them also signed up to help with the Oshkosh Dental Clinic that will be held on August 15, 2019. Other dental staff also signed up to be involved.
Dr. Arlene Gayle, MD, in Oncology/Hematology & Internal Medicine at the Marshfield Hospital and Clinic, and the Health Ministries Director for the Marshfield Seventh-day Adventist Church, initiated the televideo presentation, and is leading the Wisconsin Adventist Community Health Clinic to be held in Marshfield this fall. She has also been in contact with the mayor of Marshfield for his assistance with dental clinic promotions.
Other volunteers needed include chaplains, lifestyle counselors, hospitality workers, physical therapists, nurses, and more. Please consider donating some of your time and talents to one or more of these outreach events. As Seventh-day Adventists, we believe it is our privilege to follow Jesus’ example by offering opportunities for whole person, physical, mental and spiritual health to each patient and guest.
To volunteer for the Marshfield clinic held October 26, 2019, contact Arlene Gayle at dentalclinicmission@gmail.com, or call at 715-207-6297. For the Oshkosh or Indianapolis clinics, learn more by clicking a button below.
Juanita Edge, Communication Director
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