Summer Camp 2023 Update

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Greetings from Camp Wakonda!

We’re looking forward to Summer Camp 2023 and wanted to send you all an update so that you can better plan. We are making a handful changes that we think are going to be a huge benefit to the overall program.

Focus on Wisconsin Families 

The past couple of decades saw more and more folks from out of state fall in love with Camp Wakonda. While we are happy they love our camp, our mission is to the families in Wisconsin. It’s been a tough decision, but we have decided to only accept campers from Wisconsin this summer. This means we will have plenty of room for our Wisconsin campers and families. So please tell your friends who have never been to Summer Camp, or who haven’t been in a while: this is the year to go to Camp Wakonda.

Focus on Staff Health

In order to provide the best camp experience for your children, it is important that our staff are healthy, both mentally and physically. In order to help ensure that, we are reducing Kids Camps by a day, meaning that campers will arrive on Sunday, and leave on Friday. This will allow for Sabbath time to be staff time off, and enjoy a Sabbath rest. Family Camp, however, will remain Sunday to Sunday. 

New Camp Registration System

Campers will now pre-register through JotForm via our website, Pre-registrants will be sent a link to complete the registration process. A non-refundable deposit of $25 will be collected which will count toward the cost of the week. Registration opens on February 1, 2023.

Worthy Camper Fund

We have plenty of funds available to help get kids to camp! If you or someone you know would like to send kids to camp, or would like to come to camp as a family, but funds are tight, please fill out our Worthy Camper application which can be found on our website, Our hope is that every child has the opportunity to experience Jesus at camp. We appreciate the many generous donors who have given to the Worthy Camper Fund. 

Theme for the Summer

The theme this summer, Wake Up Call, is based around the story of Jonah (every evening), and paralleling with the story of Jesus (every morning). We will focus on the idea that we can’t just settle for having head knowledge of God: we need to act on that knowledge and live our lives according to His will. 

2023 Theme Logo:

Summer Camp 2023 Dates

Cub Camp (ages 7-9), Starting July 2

Tween Camp (ages 10-12), Starting July 9

Teen Camp (ages 13-17), Starting July 16

Family Camp (all ages), Starting July 23

We Can’t Wait to See You!

This summer is already shaping up to be a great one! We’ve got a great team of leaders already on board. We’re excited for kids to come and try our new activities and meet new friends, but most importantly we’re excited for them to come and learn more about Jesus and His Word.

If you have questions or concerns about the above information, please let us know. You can visit our website: or email me at

We look forward to seeing you and your families this summer at Camp Wakonda!


Zack Payne, Youth Director 
