Special Celebration Sabbath at Camp Wakonda August 29!

Gary Thurber, President of the Mid-America Union, will be the guest speaker for Wisconsin’s Celebration Sabbath

You are invited to a special Celebration Sabbath at Camp Wakonda, August 29, 2020. This will be an opportunity for us to enjoy some worship and fellowship together that we missed due to the unfortunate camp meeting cancellation we experienced this year. We hope many of you are able to attend. Below are the details:


Date:                         August 29, 2020

Time:                         10:00 am – 4:30 pm

Place:                        Camp Wakonda

Speaker:                   Elder Gary Thurber, President, Mid-America Union

Young People:         Programs will be provided for young people of all ages

Special Event:          Baptisms


Other items to take note of are:


> Everyone will need to bring their own picnic lunch as food services will not be available

> Cabins will not be available for use

> Unfortunately overnight camping cannot be permitted, whether in cabins, tents, or RV’s


We look forward to seeing you August 29!

Mike Edge, Wisconsin Conference President