This documentary film below honors the life of Roland Bruntz, a loved and respected member of the Green Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church who recently passed to his rest.
Two years ago, Roland was diagnosed with ALS and due to this disease he passed away this past January. However, during the final months of his life, his daughter Heidi Blake had the idea to honor her father’s life by retelling it on film. She and her friend, Allison, a filmmaker, set out to capture his legacy–They traveled around the state and even around the country, gathering interviews and footage that have now resulted in a two-hour film that chronicles the different life stages of a man after God’s heart.
Wisconsin filmmaker and church member, Allison Payne, grew up at the Green Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church. She worked many summers at Sunny Hill Farm, along with her friends and family. It was in this context that she got to know Roland Bruntz: A Green Bay church member who made a huge impact on his local congregation and community. Roland was a teacher, an elder, a school board chairman, a farmer, and a loving family man. Allison, like many others, was impacted by Roland in a profound way. He was a role model to her and continues to be to this day.
Enjoy remembering Roland and the impact he had on others, through this inspiring film.
Zack Payne, Pastor of the WISEN District
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