Resurrection Morning

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[cmsmasters_image shortcode_id=”i0nf7umrtm” align=”none” caption=”Gloria Wilde loves to write and share poetry. This poem was written on an Easter Sunday morning, during her devotional time.” link=”” animation_delay=”0″]44353||full[/cmsmasters_image][/cmsmasters_column][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/3″ data_shortcode_id=”4bmixwqlr”][cmsmasters_text shortcode_id=”c5g6azekpu” animation_delay=”0″]

So still, the Savior’s body lies,

Cold stone supports His wounded head;

Vast universe in hushed suspense –

God’s Sacrificial-Lamb is DEAD!


The grieving angels hover near –

They cannot bear to be apart

From One who loved a world so much

It finally broke His tender heart!


Religious leaders toss and turn

On beds of self-condemning guilt;

Their nagging conscience can’t erase

The Sinless One whose blood they spilt!


The darkest hours slowly pass

Before appointed dawn will break;

The Roman soldiers guard the tomb

And struggle hard to stay awake!



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Then suddenly, a thrilling sight –

A mighty angel from on High

Comes blazing down the corridor

Of pre-dawn, Sunday-morning sky!


A piercing shout and then a stir

As graveclothes shed onto the floor,

And next, oh wonder of it all –

Death’s Victor stands in open door!


The message of that awesome day

Through ages, helps each sinner cope:

Recalling Resurrection Morn

Gives ev’ry fainting soul new HOPE!


– Gloria Wilde, Green Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church
