Register By September 16 for Women’s Retreat Discount

The Women’s Retreat October 4-6 is fast approaching!The deadline for the $10 discount, postmarked mail and online registration, is Monday September 16, 2019. Let us know your preference for lodging and if you have any food allergies or food preferences.

The theme for this year’s Wisconsin Women’s Retreat is Along the Prayer Journey to the Sanctuary. Tawny Sportsman, speaker for this retreat said, “Our focus will be on the pattern of the Sanctuary and what it means to us today. We won’t be looking back at what the pieces of the sanctuary represented in the past as a base, but more so forward, and how we can use them to develop a richer and deeper relationship with God NOW!

Retreat rates after September 16:

  • Lodge: $110
  • Cabin: $95
  • Academy/High School age young ladies with a mentor: $85
  • Day Rate: $65 (this means no lodging at Camp Wakonda)

Bring along a friend, come and make new friends, or renew old friendships and enjoy the weekend, stress and worry free as we focus on Jesus and what He wants for us. Sign up today and I look forward seeing you and fellowshipping with you in less than one month.

Your sister in Christ, Patricia Antoine-Norton, Wisconsin Women’s Ministries Coordinator


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