Milwaukee Pathfinder’s Celebrate World Pathfinder Day Impacting Community for Christ

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Pathfinders just turned 70! All around the world this last Sabbath churches celebrated the coming together of a ministry that does not just bring people to church, but incorporates Jesus into everything in our life! Whether you’re tying knots, learning to build a fire, cooking bread on a stick, or learning how to march, Pathfinders for 70 years has been teaching young people that no matter what we do, we do it as if Jesus were next to us, and that Jesus is in everything! Jesus is in the discipline it takes to not burn the bread that is cooking on a stick! Jesus is in the watchful eye and ear that it takes to learn to march and drill with friends! Jesus is even in the organization and careful placement of how we put our uniforms together! Now you may ask, is He literally in these things? No, of course not. But Jesus is in the character that it takes to be a Pathfinder, and our character encompasses all these principles that we exercise.

The phrase “Once a Pathfinder, always a Pathfinder” is something you will hear from many because it is a ministry that you don’t just sit and listen to, you actually get involved! You get your hands dirty, many times quite literally! You get cuts and bruises! You sleep outside a lot, and get rained on, all so that some young people can have an experience that takes them away from screens, away from social media, and into nature! However, the best part of being a Pathfinder is, you are never too old!

This past Sabbath a club from Milwaukee decided to go to Veterans Park and celebrate with positivity since they couldn’t do much indoors or in large groups to honor World Pathfinder Day! They had as someone put it, a “Peaceful Jesus Protest.” The Redemption Pathfinder club stood at the park intersection and held positive signs that encouraged being “The Light of the World,” Jesus saving us, and honking if you are happy. They had many people honk, wave, and a few other Pathfinders coincidentally drove by, honked, and waved to them as well! The day was even more a blessing as they had prayer with many people. So what can you do? You can take after these young people’s example, do little things that encourage peace, happiness, and ultimately Jesus!

Pastor Eric Chavez, Youth Director


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