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The one day Women’s Retreat at Racine Seventh-day Adventist Church, held on October 8, 2023, focused on how to discover the love of your life, by journaling. This resource is available on the General Conference Women’s Ministries website here: https://women.adventist.org/discover-the-love-of-your-life
Seventeen ladies attended this event and they enjoyed sharing their experiences as they learned different ways of journaling and recording the past so that they do not forget how God has been with them. They learned how these past experiences can help them as they face the present and look forward to the future with the reassurance that God has a plan for us to be with Him in heaven. Also, that He accomplished the plan with His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ who came and lived this life and died and rose again from the dead and thus He understands our experiences and is able to be our Advocate. The ladies were reminded that we have the presence of the Holy Spirit that can dwell in us, once we invite Him daily into our lives, and that we have our guardian angels who watch over us.
Thank you God for your plan of salvation and for your abundant love and grace and mercy and patience and forgiveness.
Patricia Antoine-Norton, Member of the Racine Church