Put Your House in Order

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Maybe you’ve heard the saying, “put your house in order.” That saying comes from a story in the Old Testament scriptures when Israel’s King Hezekiah was sick. The prophet Isaiah told him, “Put your house in order, because you are going to die.” Isaiah 38:1 NIV. Now that must have come as quite a shock and surprise to Hezekiah who was only 39 years old.1 Having heard this pronouncement, Hezekiah wept bitterly and prayed earnestly, and God graciously added 15 years to the king’s life. 2

The king was to put his house in order because he was going to die. Obviously, it is wise to prepare for one’s death. We are all going to die. Physical death is inevitable for us all unless we happen to be one of those believers who “are alive and remain” at the time of Jesus’ return. 3 The Bible says, “Who can live and not see death, or who can escape the power of the grave?4 Because of death’s inevitability, it only makes sense to prepare for it. 5

Of course, the principal way that you can put your house in order--to prepare for death, is to be sure you know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He sent. Knowing Him assures us of eternal life.6 Having taken care of the most important thing, an essential element of putting our house in order before death is by having an estate plan (Will, Trust, Power of attorney, guardianship, etc…) prepared for us. The Bible does not directly address whether a Christian should prepare a will or an estate plan, however, Christians have a choice about what happens to their assets at the time of their death. It would seem that good stewardship demands that we use that choice to choose in advance what happens to the treasures God has blessed us with in this life and that may include our minor children. The Trust Department is a ministry of the Wisconsin Conference and can help you with putting your house in order by helping you prepare your estate documents. This service is free to those who after having considered their loved ones, desire to leave a gift for the advancement of the Lord’s work here in Wisconsin. You can contact the director, Bill Ochs at the Wisconsin Conference office @ 920-484-6555, or directly @ 608-446-3452.

Bill Ochs, Planned Giving and Trust Services

1 Compare 2 Kings 18:2 with 2 Kings 20:6
2 Isaiah 38:5
3 1 Thess. 4:15,17
4 Psalm 89:48
5 For the believer, death is temporary. Romans 6:23, I Co.15:21-23
6 John 17:3
