President’s Statement on When Our Churches Can Reopen

The governor’s statewide order limiting group meetings has been lifted clearing the way for churches to consider reopening their doors and resuming joint worship services beginning this Sabbath, May 23, 2020.

The Wisconsin Conference supports the reopening of our churches in a careful and deliberate manner. Below are several factors that need to be considered.

*Some cities and counties have local regulations which restrict or make it unwise to reopen the church building for in-person services at this time. Please follow these regulations.

*While the Wisconsin Conference supports the reopening of our church buildings it is not a mandate that all of our churches open immediately. Some may choose to wait a few weeks before they reopen, when they feel it is safe to do so.

*Those who are sick, at risk, or have close contact with sick individuals, should continue to stay home rather than to attend church at this time.

*Pastors and church leaders should work carefully together to ensure that procedures are in place to provide a safe environment at the church for people to attend. (Pastors have been given a document with guidelines for preparing the church for reopening.) At this time we are encouraging our churches not to have fellowship meals. We also are encouraging our churches not to offer children’s Sabbath School services because of the difficulty of providing a sanitized environment and appropriate social distancing.

*We encourage churches that have been providing on-line services, to continue these services to provide for those who are unable, or don’t feel comfortable attending at this time.

We are thankful that God continues to lead our church, and He will provide for each of us during these times of difficulty.

Mike Edge, Wisconsin Conference President