President’s Perspective: We Never Walk Alone

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A few days ago, the Christian world celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are arguably the most significant events since creation. Much attention is given to events around the tomb, and for good reason.

Often forgotten in the retelling of this most wonderful story is a walk that Jesus took the afternoon of His resurrection. Two despondent men walked home a few miles away, their hopes dashed, their futures uncertain, their lives crushed. They had come to believe that this man called Jesus was the promised Messiah, but their hopes had been shattered as they saw Jesus breathe His last on the cross.

Jesus knew of their discouragement and joined with them on their way to the nearby town, Emmaus. He walked with them. He heard the expression of their broken hearts, and crushed spirits. As they walked, they did not comprehend that their Savior walked with them.

Even today, many fail to realize that in our sorrow, our loss, our discouragement and despondency Jesus walks with us and seeks to restore joy. While we may not see Him, while we may have wandered far from Him, He is always nearby, seeking to provide exactly the support we need. He seeks to restore our hope and give us reason to live with joy.

May we joyfully walk today with the knowledge that we never walk alone. Jesus walks with us.

Mike Edge, Wisconsin Conference President
