President’s Perspective: Ripe for Harvest

As I write I am sitting at my office desk looking out the window at the fields of tasseling corn. Day by day the corn is getting essential nutrients and water from the ground, and energy from the warmth of the sun. It is completely dependent upon these two sources for its life, and for ripening to maturity. Without either of these the stalks cannot produce mature ears ready for picking.

Are we too ripening for the harvest? Are we daily receiving the nutrients and energy that are necessary for our growth and maturing? Are we spending that time with Jesus in Bible study and prayer that will ensure that necessary connection with the source of all life?

Many of us are looking forward to that grand reunion when Jesus comes. When He comes will He find us ripe and ready for harvest? My prayer is that each of us have our lives deeply planted in the Word of God, and our eyes focused upon the Son of God, our wonderful Savior.

Mike Edge, President