President’s Perspective: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

We are in the midst of a crisis like few of us have ever seen. A world-wide virus pandemic, travel restrictions, economic shut-downs and “safe at home” orders. Few have escaped the effects of this crisis. From fear and loss of income, to severe sickness and even death, this crisis has struck our world, our country, neighborhoods and families.

Some see this crisis as the fault of carelessness or even worse, a sinister plot. Others see this as a sign of the end, or a judgement of God. Today I’m not going to try to sort out source or cause, but I would like to ask, “Are we letting this crisis go to waste?”

Should we be looking at this as a wake-up call? Should we be taking advantage of the opportunities that we have to deepen our relationship with God? Should we be finding new and creative ways to bring the good news of Jesus to frightened people looking for something solid to hang on to?

The book of Acts describes another crisis. Not one on a world-wide scale, but a crisis of two men, falsely accused, stripped, beaten and thrown into prison. They were considered so dangerous that their feet were fastened in stocks of the inner prison. In a similar circumstance I’m confident that many would have given up, but not Paul and Silas,

They used their confinement as an opportunity for praying and singing. They sang and prayed so loud that the other prisoners not only heard them, but listened to them. They took advantage of their crisis and witnessed for their Lord, They were less concerned for their safety than their fellow prisoners’ salvation.

I would invite you to take advantage of this crisis. Find ways to praise God and witness of His goodness and love. If you spend special time with Jesus and His word; if you are able to touch even one person for Jesus this crisis will not be wasted, but can be used for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.