President’s Perspective: Faithfulness to God

I have watched out of my office window today a farmer driving his tractor all over the field, picking rocks and preparing the soil for planting. A couple of hours later he had his seeder attached to the tractor and row after row of corn kernels were placed into the ground. All of this effort was done in trust. Trust in the faithfulness of God, who created the kernel with life in its self to grow. Several weeks from now leaves will penetrate the soil and by camp meeting tall stalks will fill the fields with ears of corn ripening for an August harvest. The farmer would not go to his effort if he did not believe that what he did would make a difference.

Whether or not the farmer or the scientist acknowledges the hand of God in the growth of plants, the orbit of stars and planets, or even the balance of atoms in the air we breathe, God is at work. He works constantly in the fields, forests, deserts, jungles, and even the oceans, pouring out His creative power. During this time of sprouts, buds and blossoms, I would encourage you to pause, look around, and see the works of the Almighty who provides for the birds of the air, as well as every human around the world.

I believe as we look again at God’s creation, our hearts will turn in thanks to praise the One who loves us dearly.

Mike Edge, President