According to 2 Kings 13:20-21, Elisha died, and he was buried. A simple statement of the closure of an extraordinary life and an outstanding ministry. Nothing was mentioned about the funeral service, only the simple fact that he was buried.
After many years a certain funeral procession was interrupted by an attack of some raiding bands from Moab, and they had to put the dead man in the tomb of Elisha. The Bible says he revived and stood on his feet because he touched Elisha’s bones. Several traditional churches use this biblical story to promote the cult of relics and special pilgrimages.
However, nothing in the immediate context suggests that such a practice started immediately after that fantastic event. No other resurrections were reported related to the bones of Elisha. No special veneration or public display. We strongly believe that only God can resurrect people using different methods, including Elisha’s bones.
As we observe, Elisha is a type of Christ. God performed similar miracles during his lifetime, and He chose to use his bones for another miraculous event. Elisha was dead, but God continues to live. The power of revival comes from God, not from Elisha’s bones.
God wants us to use our spiritual gifts during our lifetime, touching people’s lives and alleviating their physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. But this remarkable story provides a powerful lesson for all of us. Even at the end of our journey on this earth, God can use our influence and legacy to revive others. Many can be saved in God’s kingdom because of His precious servants’ good character and reputation.
This short article concludes our series based on the life and ministry of Elisha. May God continue to bless you and your ministry for Him and others.
Titus Naftanaila, President