This morning I am getting ready to attend a funeral of a friend who died after a fall. Just a few days ago one of our pastors attended the funeral of his own mother, and another friend currently lies in a hospital bed after a stroke.
Just yesterday 11 Jewish worshippers were gunned down as they worshipped in a synagogue. Media outlets tell of pipe bombs, crashed helicopters, civic and religious violence that is spreading across our globe.
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of this. I want Jesus to come!
In Matthew 24 Jesus predicts that these, and other tragedies will continue until He returns in the clouds of glory to reunite those who have been separated by disease, disaster and death. In fact, He predicts that as the time of the end draws near things will only get worse.
Satan is making his final push to wreak havoc, to bring pain and destroy anything and everything that God loves, because he knows he has only a short time. He knows that his days are numbered. He’s read the “Book” and knows the rest of the story. God wins!
Our only safety is to hang on to Jesus, to place our trust fully in Him, and to invite others to join us preparing for His soon return.
Today, as we shed tears of the loss of loved ones, or of our own personal pain, may we not lose focus of Jesus’ promise to do away with death, to wipe away all tears, and to make all things new.
Mike Edge, President