May was full of essential administrative duties to support and serve our conference. Here there are some noteworthy events I had the opportunity to be part of:
-Chaired the Executive Committee (two sessions), the Board of Education (two sessions), and the Hispanic Advisory with implications for our ministry in our churches and schools for now and the near future.
-Participated in the WA personnel committee, WA finance committee, the audit committee, and Andrews University Board of Trustees.
-Attended Lake Union Executive Committee, Board of Education, and Presidents/Officers meetings.
-Announced the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan to pastors and Executive Committee members before a vote taken at the Constituency Meeting on Oct 16, 2022.
-Finalized the last details related to the 2022 Camp Meeting with the theme: “Do You Love Me?” All guest speakers confirmed their participation. Our pastors and support staff are ready to coordinate a new spiritual retreat at Camp Wakonda.
-Participated at the Lake Union Quinquennial Session with our regular delegates and delegates of large. Receiving the reports and the election of the officers, directors, associates, and the executive committee members were the main actions of the session. Brian Stephan, Jonathan Fetrick, Geraldo Medina, and I represent our conference on the LUC executive committee.
-Attended the New Conference Presidents’ Orientation sponsored by the NAD. A variety of topics related to leadership, administration, and ministry were presented and discussed as setting the agenda and developing a growth plan for the conference, church and conference governance, importance and praxis of team building and collaboration between officers and departmental directors, managing the risks, and crisis communication. Guest speakers for future events at the special conference events were invited.
-Attended the Hispanic Brotherhood Day, where all Hispanic churches were present. The small group discipleship was inaugurated as a starting point for an evangelistic rally in every church this Fall.
-Participated in the WA Graduation weekend, where 16 graduates and their academic achievements were celebrated.
-The teachers and the Academy staff are in the summer break renewing their emotional, spiritual, and physical energies for another successful academic year.
-Preached in Menomonie and Hispanic Racine churches besides the Baccalaureate message at WA.
The conference officers, the departmental directors, the ministry coordinators, and the office/camp Wakonda personnel with all our teachers are determined to work alongside our church members to serve God in our territory.
“He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, For He shall bear their iniquities.” Isaiah 53:11
Titus Naftanaila, President