President’s Monthly Update

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June was a special month with several significant events and activities:

Attended, with pastor Jonathan Fetrick, the General Conference Session in St Louis. Over 2,500 delegates from all over the globe gathered in person or virtually to conduct church business, elect church leaders, and vote for changes to the Church Manual and Working Policies.

Attended the 2022 Camp Meeting at Camp Wakonda. Despite a few challenges with weather and sickness, the camp meeting was a blessing for all participants. I am grateful to God for His protection and all who contributed to its success. The office personnel and the camp management committee members have already evaluated this past camp meeting and proposed specific changes for the next one. Several influential guest speakers are already scheduled to speak.

Attended the CALLED Convention in Lexington, KY. Pastors, chaplains, administrators, seminary teachers, and their families from NAD could attend the plenary sessions or individual training seminars focused on personal life, ministry, and corporate worship. It was a refreshing time for all of us. Special thanks to the Lake Union Conference for their financial support.

The Hmong groups from Madison and Milwaukee officially received Company status. The 61 members celebrated this momentous event through worship and fellowship, wearing beautiful native outfits. Elders Brian Stephan, Adam Case, and I represented the Wisconsin Conference at the two-hour ceremony. A specific Hmong potluck followed. Special thanks to Elder Don Corkum and Pastor Ko Saelee, who initiated the Hmong ministry in Wisconsin, as well as Elder Mike Edge and Pastor Chanchai, who extended and coordinated it at the present level.

Special appreciation to Juanita Edge for her 22 years of wonderful ministry for the Wisconsin Conference in Youth Leadership, Health Ministries, and Communication. Also, as Elder Mike Edge’s wife, she positively influenced the entire conference. May God bless her with great opportunities to enjoy life and ministry for years to come.

July is a typical month for vacation and preparation for Fall activities and projects. Accordingly, I encourage our conference personnel, teachers, and pastors to set aside time for their families and personal rejuvenation. Even Jesus invited his disciples to “come aside by [them]selves to a deserted place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31).

Titus Naftanaila, President
