President’s Perspective: The Art of Complaining

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In this episode, we will learn how to express our frustrations when something unexpected happens to us.

Remember the Shunamite woman? (2 Kings 4:8-37) She did not ask for any special favor in response to her generous hospitality. However, when her son died unexpectedly, she could not let it go without expressing her thoughts and emotions. Thus, she teaches us the art of “complaining.”

First, she did not let her strong emotions take over her attitude and behavior. Instead, she acted as if everything was under control, even if she did not know the outcome. So often, we are overwhelmed by our strong negative emotions and make the situation even worse by inducing even more negativity in our hearts and affecting relationships irremediably.

Second, she never complained to others about her terrible distress. Not even her husband knew about it. When she was asked, she replied: “all is well.” Therefore, we do not need to share with everybody what only God can do.

Third, she continued to show respect to the prophet. She still called him “my lord.” Even the death of her son did not make her diminish the consideration for the servant of the Lord. Even the questions she had for the prophet were courteous and well-mannered.

Fourth, she was not willing to prepare for the funeral service. Something had to be done by the prophet himself. She sensed that Gehazi was not dedicated to the Lord, and it was a waste of time trusting he would do something right.

Here we have a superb example of dignity, humility, and perseverance. Neither prosperity nor adversity can deter such a person from expressing faithfulness and gratitude toward God and respect and graciousness toward people.

Let us follow the Shunammite’s example during the upcoming camp meeting and beyond.


Titus Naftanaila, President
