President’s Monthly Update: March 2023

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The highlights for February are:

Brian Stephan and I started interviewing potential candidates for the Associate Treasurer position at the conference. The current Associate Treasurer, John Ramsey, has taken a job in the Berrien Springs area.

Pastor Adam Case and I continued to conduct annual reviews for our pastors. We were glad to meet them individually and listen to God’s story in their lives and ministries.

Rozina and I joined the Agape Feast at Wisconsin Academy. The WA students and the church family gathered for Communion and a fellowship meal.

Rozina and I had the privilege to attend the Annual Conference President’s Retreat. All the meetings, seminars, and interactions were intended to provide inspiration and a creative environment for personal and professional growth. As a result, I enrolled in a mentorship program to help develop leadership skills and receive professional support from experienced leaders in our denomination.

I stopped by to meet the Volunteers Lay Pastors at their training retreat at the conference office. Pastor Adam Case, assisted by Pastors Myoung Kwon and Jonathan Fetrick, coordinated the program. The emphasis of the weekend was Theology and Communication.

Wisconsin Academy hosted the Education Fair, a special event for all students from all 12 of our conference schools, sponsored by the Education Department. Rich Aguilera was the guest speaker and had a presentation on the topic of “His Creation.” Multiple learning stations were organized and offered valuable lessons for students in all grades.

Camp Wakonda Hosted a five day Discipleship Boot Camp with Pastor Don McLafferty and his team, helped by Susan Slickers and Mark Ringwelski. Twelve “disciples” were trained and empowered to lead church discipleship and revival groups. Pastor McLafferty will present seminars and sermons on revival and discipleship at our camp meeting this year. I encourage you to be part of this spiritual movement in our conference.

The Board of Education had its first meeting in person after being selected by the Executive Committee. Numerous decisions were made concerning our educational system in Wisconsin.

Also, I worshiped and preached in the Evansville, Milwaukee Central, Beloit, Delavan, and Janesville churches. I am happy to witness our members and visitors worshiping and fellowshipping together.

Let’s meditate on the following inspiring biblical passage:

“Blow the trumpet in Zion,
Consecrate a fast,
Call a sacred assembly;
Gather the people,
Sanctify the congregation,
Assemble the elders,
Gather the children and nursing babes;
Let the bridegroom go out of his chamber,
And the bride from her dressing room.” – Joel 2:15-16


Titus Naftanaila, president
