The following guidelines are in place for the comfort and safety of all users of Camp Wakonda.
Park only one vehicle at your designated campsite facing out.
Park additional vehicles in designated parking lots (Maps are available at the Administration Building).
Vehicles are to remain parked unless needed for entering/leaving camp meeting.
Place vehicle parking permits on the dashboard facing up.
Vehicles without assigned parking permits on dash or those parked in undesignated areas may be towed at owner’s expense.
Cars may not be used to sleep in overnight.
Campground speed limit is 10 mph as posted.
Vehicles are not to be left on the grounds after camp meeting and may be removed at owner’s expense.
Golf Carts
Golf carts are allowed for the transportation of disabled persons only.
All golf carts must be registered at the Administration Office and checked in upon arrival. Online registration coming soon. Registration forms will be available onsite at the Administration Office.
Security personnel will issue registration sticker that must be displayed at all times.
Golf cart drivers must be 18 or older and hold a valid license.
Golf carts must be driven in a safe manner.
All passengers must stay seated in designated seats while cart is in motion.
Persons may not get on or off a golf cart while it is in motion.
Person for whom the golf cart is registered must be on the cart at all times while it is moving.
Swimming is allowed only in supervised, designated beach area at Sandow Lake.
Children 12 years of age and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Modest, one piece or tankini swim suits, covering the midriff area, are required.
Cover-ups must be worn to/from beach.
Swimming is allowed only in supervised, designated beach area.
Swim schedule is listed in camp meeting guidebook.
Beach is closed all other times.
Fishing is allowed at Mud Lake, sunrise to sunset.
Private selling, soliciting or fund raising during camp meeting is prohibited.
Obtain stamped approval for all postings through the communication office (9:00 am – Noon Mon – Fri. or as posted).
Approved announcements can be hung in these designated areas:
Four block restroom bulletin boards
Communication Office
The LightHouse/ABC
Administration Building
Service Animals
The only animals permitted at camp meeting will be Service Animals that have been registered with the Administration Office and checked in with camp security upon arrival. Online Registration coming soon. Registration forms will be available onsite at the Administration Office.
Service Animals are individually trained to provide necessary assistance to individuals with disabilities.
We follow federal and state accommodation laws.
Service Animals must be controlled and supervised by their handler at all times and are not permitted to roam freely within the campground.
Emotional support animals do not qualify as Service Animals.
For the health and safety of all campers, pets are NOT to be at camp meeting.
If you bring a pet, you will be required to take it elsewhere.
If you cannot leave your pet at home, the following kennels are nearby:
Evergreen Dog Retreat (Montello) 608-566-4431
Whistling Winds Animal Getaway (Oxford) 608-440-1829
Fieldstone Boarding Kennel (Endeavor) 608-587-2606
All campers are to be quiet and in camping areas by 10:30 pm Sun – Fri.
Saturday night curfew is 11:00 pm. Second Saturday night 11:30 pm.
All property south of County Rd. E is off limits every evening after 9:00 pm.
WI-FI will shut off at 10:30 pm.
Children must be supervised at all times.
Pick up children within 10 minutes of the close of their scheduled program.
Parents with Beginner or Kindergarten aged children, please pick up ID wristbands from your division leader to aid in the event a child becomes lost.
Arrival/ Departure
To ensure workplace safety, please do not plan to camp overnight before the start of the nine day (Friday – 2nd Saturday) camp meeting.
Prior approval must be obtained to stay nights outside normal camp meeting days. Additional Daily Rate charges will apply. Be aware utilities may be interrupted due to camp set-up.
If you need to drop off your trailer or RV early, please do so after the Work-Bee and before camp pitch. Please schedule a time with the camp office prior to your arrival. Call 608-296-2126
Remove all RV’s, trailers, and tents at the end of camp meeting. If you plan to leave an RV or trailer, the current storage fee is due by the last business day in July.
Refrigerators must not be left outside after camp meeting. A $50 removal fee will apply.
Due to State Licensing regulations, personal items must be taken home after camp meeting. Any personal items left will be subject to removal.
The Wisconsin Conference and campground are not responsible for lost or damaged items.
Violation of these regulations may result in loss of your reservation as Camp Wakonda could be subject to license suspension, disabling the operation of the camp.
Campsite Rental
Each campsite is designed for one family only. Rental of a campsite is for the duration of camp meeting only and shall not be designated or used by anyone as a legal residence.
It is Camp Management’s desire to have all sites used every year to allow as many people as possible to attend camp meeting. To accomplish this, annual subletting will be necessary. For safety reasons all subletting MUST be processed through the Reservation office.
Private subletting forfeits the right to reserve the following year. Please submit sublet notifications to campmeeting@wi.adventist.org.
Any site (cabin or RV) that is found to be unused without notification, even if paid for, may be subject to reassignment the following year.
All reservations for the next year must be made with 50% payment by the last business day in July and full payment by April 1st.
A site not reserved by the last business day of July, will be made available to others that following year.
Transfer of money for cancellations after May 26 is subject to ability to sublet the site.
Any renter shall lose the right to re-rent or remain in any accommodation if it is found to be occupied by children or young people, unmarried and/or under age 20, without proper chaperonage as defined by the Camp Meeting Management Committee.
Any renter shall lose the right to re-rent or remain in a campsite if found to be in violation of any of the principles of the Seventh- day Adventist Church.
Electrical service is limited. Please limit simultaneous use of air conditioners, microwaves, hotplates, etc. especially during hot weather.
No sewer, water, gas, or electrical lines or connections, temporary or permanent, may be added to those originally provided by the camp.
For safety, a working fire extinguisher is recommended for each site.
Cabins and campsites are owned and maintained by the Wisconsin Conference and are used by the constituents throughout the year for many events. As such, renters are not to make physical changes to their cabin/campsite without prior approval from the Camp Manager.
Cabin locks are maintained by the camp. See Reservations to obtain the code for your cabin lock. Private locks will be removed.
Cabins are required by Wisconsin State law to maintain a working smoke alarm. If there are problems with your smoke alarm, please fill out a work order at the information desk in the Administration Building.
The following are prohibited at camp meeting:
Charcoal grilling, wood fires, candles or open flame of any kind.
Playing instruments without approval and/or in a way bothersome to neighbors.
Playing with water-toys, water balloons, etc. except in designated areas and times.
Using other people’s property beyond camp boundaries, including beach/lakefront.
Dangerous items such as guns (including paint ball and airsoft) and fireworks/firecrackers of any kind.
Bicycles, skateboards, unicycles, or other wheeled transportation except in designated areas & times.
Removing pine needles around campsites & cabins. Pine needles prevent erosion.
Harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol, vaping and illicit drugs.
Per health code, no dishes, pots, or pans are to be scrapped, cleaned, or washed at the water spigots.