Petersen Students Enjoy First Snow of the Season

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The first major snowfall of winter is always a special time at Petersen. The teachers have been known to sneak a few extra minutes of recess into the schedule. This allows for plenty of digging, sculpting, and “snow-angeling.” This year was no different. Over the course of two recess periods, an enterprising crew of Petersen students built a giant snowman.

It all started as a race to make the biggest snowball….and only escalated from there. This amazing creation, featuring “clothes” from cloth scraps left-over from a science experiment, took planning, creativity, a fair bit of compromise, and a whole lot of teamwork. Topping out somewhere between 8 and 9 feet tall, the ladder was quite helpful getting the head in place. Named “Jeffy,” our snowman enjoyed a chilly night in the play-yard before the construction crew turned its attention to demolition. What goes up, must come down!

Tiffany Meulemans, Grades 5 – 8 Teacher, Petersen Adventist School


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