For Art class, 5th – 8th graders are working on some of the Arts & Crafts Pathfinder honors. We are in the midst of tackling the requirements for the Lego Design honor. Petersen had an assortment of Lego bricks in storage that moved into the classroom in mid-October. Lego mania struck the classroom full force, and students have been designing and creating with gusto! Upon seeing that Lego was in high demand, one student decided to donate his own collection of Lego bricks to the school. Another generous school supporter found an opportunity to purchase used Lego by the pound — and ordered 10 pounds of Lego to join our collection.
Most recently, students worked in pairs to create a scene or item from the Bible. I hope you enjoy this assortment of models: Creation, Jezebel, the Ark of the Covenant, the Burning Bush, Exodus from Egypt, and more.
Tiffany Meulemans, Petersen Adventist School grades 5-8 teacher