Pastor Justin Spady Ordained September 25, 2020

Pastor Justin Spady was ordained to the gospel ministry, together with his wife Jennifer, and daughter Katelyn, in The Shepherd’s House Seventh-day Adventist Church on Friday evening, September 25, 2020. The ordination message was presented by Pastor Carmelo Mercado, General Vice President for the Lake Union, and long-time friend and former pastor for the Spady family. The service was preceded by a light meal provided by the church.

Below is a testimonial written by Pastor Spady for his ordination:

When I was a child growing up in rural Indiana, my parents and my church family taught me the eternal value of a personal relationship with Jesus. My parents, Richard and Margaret, lived a vibrant and abiding faith. I learned joy, patience, and the realization of my human frailty from the profound bonds of friendship with my brother Conor and sister Nicole and the many other friends along the way. Growing up there were pastors in my life who still inspire me to this day; Pastor Carmelo Mercado baptized me, along with my mom and siblings. God works in mysterious ways: a near-fatal illness at fifteen-years-old instilled in me a deep sense of the shortness of time and the driving passion of living my life fully dedicated to the advancement of the Gospel.

In college I earned a BA in Biblical Studies with a Chemistry minor from Southern Adventist University. Attracted to the adventure of mission work overseas, I pursued a career in medicine; but God in His infinite wisdom and patience revealed His plans for me to work in the mission field at home. He led me to the love of my life, my anchor, Jennifer; I don’t think I will ever properly articulate all I owe to her. God also gave me the opportunity to earn my MDiv degree from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University.

Since graduating, I have been privileged to serve as a local pastor for five years in Wisconsin; first in the Portage church district, and now in the Wausau church district. It has been an honor to serve alongside church officers and members who passionately share the love of God in our neck of the woods. God has abundantly blessed our lives, the greatest blessing being the birth of our daughter, Katelyn.

Today is my 30th birthday. Looking back at the last three decades, I am in awe of the grace and strength our Heavenly Father has lavished on me. I feel distinctly unworthy. I have been greatly privileged with the incredible adventure He has given me so far. In humility and awe I have committed myself to Him many times on my life’s journey. To me, ordination to pastoral ministry is a confirmation that He wants me in this for the long haul. He has ordained all of us, the body of Christ, to love Him supremely and minister for the good of all people. He wants each of us as His disciples to demonstrate Christ’s righteousness to a dying world desperately in need of Him. I cannot predict the future, and we live in an uncertain world, but Jesus promised that He would be with us always, even to the end – and to me that is all I need. How do you respond to His call?

Congratulations Pastor Spady!