Pandemic, Quarantined, Social Distance…What’s next?

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I don’t know about you but in the last few weeks and months I have learned many new terms and phrases that I never imagined would be part of my vernacular. I can honestly say that I hope at this point I don’t have to learn any more new words for a while, at least in the context of a pandemic. This time for many has been filled with so many emotions and anxiety, however, I hope that you have seen Jesus work in new ways and filled your heart with courage more than fear. As we are all on this what seems like time of pressing “Pause” on the remote control of life, I hope that you will be assured that we have a Jesus who hasn’t stopped watching over us! We are still looking to the future, looking forward to getting back to “normal” everyday life, and hope that we can come together again soon without fear!

What have you been up to during this time? Are you staying busy in a productive way? Are you challenging yourself? I have read many new books, finished some projects in my house, planted a small garden, ridden my skateboard, and even learned how to swing a golf club (in my backyard with practice balls that don’t go far, haha!) Are you staying busy in a mindful way? I love to work and stay busy, so I have had to be creative in the use of my time. I encourage you, do something different and new! Write a letter, whittle some wood, learn how to start a fire with only using sticks in your back yard, or even start watching birds…do something that challenges you, keeps you busy and teaches you a new skill! You will be surprised what it does for your mental health as well as physical!

While keeping busy in a healthy way, I’m sure you have seen or been part of the many new avenues of ministry via the web. It seems there is a lot of content to choose from these days! The Youth Department has a daily devotional series on our Pathfinder FB page, click here, and we have a new young adult Video podcast called 3AM, click here! We are working on a few other things as well for our Wisconsin Youth that we will be releasing very soon!

With all the new options, the web never replaces real life interactions, which is why we are still planning many things for you! The most frequently asked question I have received is what’s going on with summer camp? And at this point, I wish I had more solid answers, however, the short answer is, we are still praying and planning as much as we can while we are #SaferAtHome. As of now we have canceled any camps that begin before July 1. Our staff are planning to come in later than normal and we will work diligently to provide a great program no matter what we do. Tween Camp which starts on July 5 will be our first day of kids camp, however, this plan is fluid as we follow all state and health department guidelines. As for our Adventurer and Pathfinder Fall Camporee, they are still on our calendar and we cannot wait!

If you have need of any resources and help with youth ministry ideas, during this time and after we are no longer under stay at home orders, never hesitate to contact us! We are always happy to share what we have and empower you to share with the young people in your sphere of influence!

We hope that wherever you are, you are safe, healthy, and seeing Jesus work in your life! We are confident that we will see good things come from this time!

We are stronger together and can’t wait for that day, that we are back together!

Pastor Eric Chavez, Youth Director
