Snowflakes in the air amidst autumnal colors demonstrate our Creator’s artistry and creativity, yet the call to the hearts of common, faithful leaders gathered for Lay Pastor training at the Wisconsin SDA Conference Center had a depth of spiritual beauty unrivaled. Words and space are inadequate to encapsulate the expanse of learning at the November 1-3 Lay Pastor training.
Pastor John Redlich enthusiastically presented the principles of effective coaching, with an emphasis on attentive listening, exploring of possibilities, and creating owner responsibility.
Pastor Samuel Garbi passionately shared his tender concern for cultivating each member’s safety within our congregations. In one activity, attendees were grouped by gender then into smaller circles. Each individual willing to share had 60 seconds to share their testimony or life story. After a 20 second pause for the listeners to silently process, the individual then had 3 minutes with which to expand their testimony. Another silent pause followed. The next person then began their story. A precious, and valuable time of safety and sharing. Personal evidence of the reality of a loving God who is ever present and guiding in each part of His children’s lives at all ages and stages; growing into integrity with what God wants each to be personally.
Do you know anyone who has, or who desires to work on hurts, hang ups, and habits, which are holding one back from being closer to God or who He needs them to be? Sabbath morning Pastor Kevin Kuehmichel presented the Christ centered Celebrate Recovery program. 8 principles with 12 steps help one delve biblically into a process towards true healing and reconciliation. Be ready to get into the trenches along side another for this messy and redemptive journey. Pastor Kuehmichel is an available resource for those feeling the need for Celebrate Recovery in their community.
How are our local churches doing in meeting the mission of the Adventist Church? How has the automobile impacted our society and thereby churches? And what about the iPhone? How are the writings of Ellen White used, and did she endorse the concepts of other preachers of her day? Such questions are asked and discussed at our trainings and workshops. Eye opening. Balanced. Educational. Insightful.
Each Lay Pastor who is called to this training gets to register online at the Adventist Learning Community. Credits towards Lay Pastor certification are available on this site, as well as registering for February’s training, January 31 – February 2, 2020. Contact Pastor Adam Case for questions.
Jill (Lawson) Ahrens, Sparta SDA Church Member and Lay Pastor in Training
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