Music: An Important Part of Education

Music education is important at Hillside Christian School, located in Wausau, Wisconsin. Besides the regular music curriculum of learning hymns, music theory, and studying famous composers, all students learn to read music and play chimes. The students play their chimes during church services at The Shepherd’s House several times a year. On Sabbath, February 20, students played two songs. For the introit they played “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.” For special music they played “Onward Christian Soldiers.” Pastor Justin Spady commented at the beginning of his sermon, “I enjoy having Hillside students participate in the worship service.”

A trained pianist, Jared Marsh, also comes to the school once a week and teaches piano lessons to several students. They each played a song during our last Christmas program.

Being involved in music increases students’ language development, IQ, spatial-temporal skills, brain activity, test scores, and self-esteem. A music-rich experience for children with singing, playing, and listening really brings a very serious benefit to their overall education.


Charlyn Marsh, Head Teacher Hillside Christian School