Milwaukee North 3rd & 4th Grade Students Are Praying for Our Cities

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A member from the Northwest Seventh-day Adventist Church challenged us to use the MISSION TO THE CITIES PRAYER MAP and pray for the cities in the North American Division. I made a schedule to help us remember. We pray for two cities a week, asking for the angels to protect our churches and schools, to pour out the Holy Spirit upon the churches and schools, and to help those who live in the cities to be receptive to God’s good news.

Every morning after our worship thought I ask the students for prayer requests. The students ask for prayers for family members, teachers (by name), each other, good day, the country, the world, silent, birthdays, and more. We’ve had praises for safe travels, answered prayer, and all that God gives us. Many days the students remind us to pray for the city of the day. I’ve had students come up to me later in the morning and ask if we can pray for something or someone on that student’s mind. My prayer is that my students will develop their own prayer life and pray for others and not just their wants and needs.

Jacie Reagan, Grades 3-4 Teacher at Milwaukee North Campus
